What can I do if my email address was changed but it was not done by me?
Email not working
If you are creating an account and it isn't allowing you to use your email, please contact Customer Service at 877-663-3731 or text 877-663-3731 for further assistance.
Changing email
If you are wanting to change an email, please contact our Customer Service department at 877-663-3731 or text 877-663-3731 for further assistance.
Forgot Username
Your username will be the email address that you used to create your Modere account. If you are having trouble remembering your account username, please call our Customer Service department at 877-663-3731 for further assistance.
Email already being used
If you are creating an account and it isn't allowing you to use your email, please contact Customer Service at 877-663-3731 or text 877-663-3731 for further assistance.
What can I do if my email address was changed but it was not done by me?
If any account information was changed without your request, please contact our Customer Service department at 877-663-3731 or text 877-663-3731 for assistance.
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