Optimize is the simple way to upgrade your water with the health benefits of hydrogen, the power of super hydration and great taste. Just drop one tablet into ordinary H2O to instantly transform it into potent hydrogen water that enhances your antioxidant capacity, cellular energy and overall health. Our delicious formula also provides elemental magnesium and the most bioavailable form of folate to bolster your cardiovascular and nervous systems.*
Product Benefits
- Enhances cellular energy
- Promotes antioxidant capacity
- Encourages better hydration for better health
- Aids nervous system
- Provides cardiovascular support
- Superior source of essential folate
- Good source of essential magnesium
- Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, keto-friendly
- How do the tablets work?
The hydrogen tablets contain magnesium in a form that reacts with the water. The products of this reaction are magnesium hydroxide and free hydrogen (H2).
- How quickly should I drink Optimize?
Through testing, we’ve found that the greatest amount of free hydrogen occurs between 10 and 20 minutes after adding a tablet to water. We recommend consuming within 20 minutes.
- Can I combine the tablets with other products such as Go, Revitalize, Rush or Recover?
We do not recommend combining Optimize tablets with other water-soluble supplements because they may interfere with the reaction and inhibit the amount of hydrogen produced.
- When is the best time to take Optimize?
Optimize can be enjoyed any time of day. It can be taken during a workout to help with hydration or in the evening as a caffeine-free bedtime refreshment.
- What do the tablets look like?
The tablets are dark gray, though some will also have tiny white spots. This natural variation is an inherent part of the tableting process.
- What is the form of Magnesium in Optimize?
The form of magnesium in Optimize is elemental magnesium. While elemental magnesium is not commonly used in dietary supplements because of instability, the unique manufacturing process used to create Optimize results in a stable and tableted product. It is the reaction of elemental magnesium with other ingredients in the product that yields hydrogen in solution.
7. Is it gluten-free?
Yes, it is.
- Is it vegan/vegetarian?
Yes, it is.
- Is Optimize dairy-free?
Yes, it is
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