All Liquid BioCell® products contain the ingredient Liquid BioCell®, which is a matrix of collagen, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin a highly bioavailable liquid form of a patented sternal cartilage, which is derived from a by-product of humanely-treated chickens from the world’s most reputable and regulated farms located in the US and Europe.
For example, the US farms are not only inspected by the FDA and USDA, but there are full-time USDA inspectors on site at all times. Liquid BioCell® is GMO, antibiotic- and hormone-free. The chickens are killed/processed for their meat and the farms then supply the chicken sternum to the BioCell company.
Q: What are the chickens fed?
A: While the exact composition fed to the chickens is confidential, it is intended to provide the proper health and nutrition to the chickens.
if the collagen that is extracted from the chicken is extracted in LIQUID form or if it is extracted in a dry form and then rehydrated to create 'liquid collagen'?
The Liquid BioCell Collagen/HA Matrix is derived from chicken sternal cartilage, which undergoes a hydrolyzation process to lower its molecular weight to a precise range for optimal bioavailability. The exact methods are considered proprietary, and thus we cannot share it.
*We do not use bovine (cow) as a source for our collagen.*
FYI - collagen, Hyaluronic Acid and Chondroitin all come from the chicken sternum
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