Cyanocobalamin is a stable and easily crystallized form of B12. It is easily utilized and stored by most people. Inability to absorb or convert cyanocobalamin to other forms is rare and will usually affect all of the forms of B12, not just cyanocobalamin. Supplementation of B12 acts like many other moderately bioavailable compounds. The higher the dose taken, the lower the percentage of that dose may be absorbed by the body because one may not be able to incorporate all of the vitamin B12 consumed.
While Modere favors the use of natural ingredients in most cases, there are cases when we have chosen to use synthetic forms. In these cases we can assure that the quantity, quality, and efficacy of the synthetic vitamin meets all essential criteria necessary for the intended effect. In most cases, the synthetic form is identical to that form found in nature and during processing by industry.
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