Saggy skin happens as the skin loses structural components in association with natural or photoaging. Deterioration of the dermal matrix structure is due to the loss of collagen, elastin and ground substances such as hyaluronic acid (HA). As HA decreases, unwanted lines, wrinkles, and deep folds appear. At a molecular level, the loss of HA is responsible for dehydration of skin, which leads to thinning and reduction in volume and suppleness. this is also worsened by the disorganization of the collagen fibrillary network in the dermis. Ultimately, the dermal structure collapses and the resulting surface of the skin sags. Liquid BioCell® Life's exclusive formulation with Liquid BioCell® can help minimize sagging skin effects in the following ways:
- By providing structural building blocks of the dermal network in highly absorbable forms. Our patented process reduces the size of collagen peptides to ensure efficient absorption. The sizes of HA and chondroitin sulfate (CS ) molecules are also very small in comparison to other products. These components supplement the essential structure of the skin and are highly bioavailable building blocks that effectively antagonize skin sagging.
- By replenishing HA, a key molecule for skin hydration and volume increase. High levels of HA are critical to maintain in order to prevent skin sagging. HA is responsible for skin volume an turgidity due to its ability to retain water. Human subjects who took daily doses of Liquid BioCell® had a 60-fold increase in HA levels in the blood. This suggests that Liquid BioCell® Life supplements HA to improve skin hydration and reduce the severity of skin sagging.
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